Behold a peach pie, hot from the oven in my hot little kitchen. This pie is rustic, not a lot of finesse .
Those ripe peaches needed to be used. And I had lard in the fridge. Used half lard, half butter in the crust. Did not use quite enough flour, so the crust was a bit tender, kind of patched together. No matter.
I did not peel the peaches. The skins lent a lovely rose color to the juice in the baked pie. Added a splash of good bourbon. It rounded out the sweetness of the peaches and sugars.
Pie making should be a common and natural thing. Not rare, not fussy, not anxious. As they say, easy as pie.
I'll be right over for a slice.. Along with Buddy packed for a long stay in the country!!! ;)
agreed! Leave the fuss and enjoy the muss! YUM!
Looks yummy to me. I like rustic things.
Ellen - hope you will join us at Culinary Historians of Atlanta. We have interesting programs. The next one is this Sunday, August 22, 2-4 pm at Le Cordon Bleu in Tucker, GA Topic is the story of how refrigerator manufacturers forced the icebox industry out of business. A gripping tale, indeed.
I didn't know we had pie baking in common. I have never once, until reading your blog, thought of not peeling peaches for a pie filling, but will never peel again. Brilliant!
Do you peel apples?
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