Our Georgia-terranean summer means our garden produces tons of eggplants. We love not only their taste, but their adorable looks: cute and fat and purple.
The other night I peeled two medium cuties, cut into approx. three quarter inch cubes inch and tossed in olive oil. Then I put them in a hot heavy pot and stirred a little, so at least one side would get nice and brown. After a little while, I added 3 chopped garden tomatoes that I'd cored. (If I were making this for company I probably would have skinned the tomatoes) Threw in several peeled smashed garlic cloves. Covered, turned down the heat and cooked for awhile, stirred occasionally, to let the tomatoes meld with the eggplant and for the eggplant to melt: like a jam.
Served on mezzaluna ravioli with a handful of fresh chopped herbs and few tablespoons of parmesan.
Not bad. I'll make that again.
And speaking of not bad, this afternoon I found a beautiful cantaloupe half all sweet and juicy and cold and ready to eat in my fridge. There was a small container of crumbled Maytag blue cheese in there too. Lightbulb went on in head!!!
Sweet and salty: great.
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