Oh my gosh are these delicious. If the base of your stack is a garden tomato slice, then you could call these a summer vegetable napoleon. But if you start with a piece of baked eggplant, these become sliders that you can handily pick up to eat!
For two people you’ll need:
2 med very fresh eggplant
a few sliced garden tomatoes (if you don’t have really good tomatoes this is not the dish for you)
fresh mozarrella, sliced in a few slices, however thick it suits you
Some fresh basil, chopped in fine strips
olive oil
commercial bread crumbs. I use unseasoned, but you could use whatever you have
s+p to taste
an egg
Start with quarter inch slices of peeled very fresh eggplant, and dunk them in beaten egg you thinned with a little water. Then dredge in breadcrumbs. Put a fair amount of olive oil on a foil lined cookie sheet and arrange the slices on here. Then, I like to use my Misto to spray the tops with olive oil.. I use the oven and heat it to 375. When they brown on one side flip them to finish. (You could, of course, fry these in a pan)
Make little stacks: a piece of eggplant, a piece of cheese, a little basil, a tomato another eggplant slice, more tomato, basil, eggplant, voila, cute yummy slider. Or start with a tomato base and commit to using a fork. We’ve found 3 stacks each makes a very nice supper.